Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058
Arista's EDU Ultra 200 B&W FILM is a traditional panchromatic film that is optimized for use in a range of shooting conditions. It has a fine grain with high sharpness as well as a wide exposure latitude that makes it a useful film for most environments. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200 when developed in standard black and white chemistry, and responds well to push processing.
This item is one 24-exposure roll of 35mm format film. This film is not supplied in a DX-coded cassette, requiring users to manually set ISO on their camera.
Please note, all film sales are FINAL.
Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058