Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058
Looking for an AUTO 35mm starter camera? Look no further. This is a Pentax ME body with a 55mm 1.8 and 28mm 2.8 lenses.This camera is in AMAZING condition.
So what is special about the ME? It only has 2 manual shutter settings! B or 1/100th. The rest of the shutter speeds can be used when in AUTO mode from 8 seconds to 1/1000th! You focus, choose your fstop and the camera chooses your fstop! You can set the iso from 12 to 1600. A precise working light mete helps you as you shoot. You also can use the exposure compensation dial to shoot backlit scenes or darker scenes without under or over exposing! The viewfinder is HUGE. Like bigger than the viewfinder on a Canon 5DIII!!! This camera body is smaller than the KX or K1000 which means you can get 38/39 shots out of your 36exp roll!!! YOU CAN GET 38-39 EXP OUT OF YOUR ROLL!!! Also, because this camera is smaller shooting hand-held at 1/15-1/30 yields tack-sharp images with the 55mm lens. You could hand-hold 1/8th if you got a wider lens like a 35mm or 28mm! AMAZING!
The SMC (super multi-coated for amazing image rendition) 55mm f/1.8 lens in incredible. With working fstops from f1.8 to f22, you can capture everything your creative eye sees. And obtain some serious bokeh at f/1.8!
This camera is fully functional. It also has a fully-functioning self timer. This is one of the greatest starter camera outfits known to man.
All you need is some 35mm film of your choice and you'll be able to make some incredible images.
Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058