Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058
Quantity: Enter the amount of rolls you have based on your Format and Size. If you have two formats, for example 35mm and 120, or if you have two services, for example Black and White and Premium, you'll need to fill out multiple forms.
What size are your scans in pixels (72 dpi)?
35MM : R 2035x3035 L 3647x5444 U 4492x6774
645 : R 2285x3035 L 3647x4847 U 4800x6379
66 : R 2435x2435 L 3635x3635 U 4760x4760
67 : R 2435x3035 L 3647x4547 U4815x5902
69 : R 2035x3035 L 3647x5444 U 4492x6774
What size are your scans in inches (300 dpi)?
Regular: 120 - 8” on the short side | 35MM - 10" on the long side
Large: 12” on the short side
Ultra: 16” on the short side
For example, a Regular 35mm scan would be a 10x15 @ 300 dpi.
Can files be sent as TIFFS?
No. Due to the size of TIFFS and our workflow we no longer offer TIFF files.
How should I package my film to send to the lab?
Our best suggestion is to put your film with the order form in a ziplock bag and ship via the courier of your choice with tracking. We receive packages from FedEx, DHL, UPS, USPS … you name it. USPS has flat rate boxes that are perfectly sized for film orders ranging from a couple of rolls to the massive 3-day wedding celebration. The one thing we discourage is the use of packing peanuts, shredded paper, tinfoil, sending the film loosely in a box, or just putting your film in an envelope.
What is your return policy?
All film, camera, and merch sales are final.
Please address film processing orders to : theFINDlab 170 Mountainway Drive #107 Orem, UT 84058